LPI Platform Is Buiding Infrastructure And Trust In The Crypto Economic Ecosystem
Hello, everyone!
We are a decentralized association responsible for the development of the Laminar Platform. This platform is meant to provide a consistent environment for all kinds of projects:
2.media content
5.currency exchange-there is a lot of space for your creativity here.
In the first phase of development, we are focusing on the NFT and GameFi sectors. We want to help develop infrastructure and create conditions throughout the whole Crypto Economic Ecosystem.
We at LPI DAO incubate and accelerate high-quality projects of all kinds while specializing in NFT and GameFi. We do this with a dedicated team who are blockchain enthusiasts in a company that is legally registered and has real assets.
The LPI Platform is here to support the ongoing development of the crypto economic ecosystem. We incubate and accelerate high-quality projects of all kinds while specializing in non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) and blockchain games. LPI specializes in high-quality GameFi blockchain game development. Our team works with clients from kickstarter to beta testing, followed by full launch and maintenance.
Welcome to the home of Light Paper Incubator and Accelerator. We provide an ecosystem to support developers and designers working with non-fungible tokens and games by providing them office space, infrastructure, legal services, business building services such as team formation and communication with investors. We are also supported by a large fan community who have joined our Light Paper token.
The LPI Platform is backed by a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), which democratizes the power structures of traditional ICOs by redistributing voting power to those who support projects on our platform. We focus especially on NFTs, GameFi, CyberSports and VR games.
LPI Platform will be the leading incubation and acceleration facility for developers and designers in the crypto economic ecosystem.
The LPI Platform is an invite-only, community-based platform that is providing infrastructure and trust to the crypto economy. We help projects big and small by supporting them through education, acceleration, and easing their path to market.
The LPI Platform maintains the cryptoeconomic ecosystem of intelligent contracts and products by building infrastructure, providing advisory & incubation services, and building trust within a decentralized market place. LPI is a non-profit organization that gives developers & creators access to an international community of mentors and users.
The LPI Platform Is Building Infrastructure And Trust In The Crypto Economic Ecosystem.
Are you looking for the best platform to launch a high-quality, secure and useable blockchain project ? You’ve found one ! Stay tuned, we are currently building an infrastructure for blockchains of the future. thanks for taking the time to read our proposal and to join us.
mission is to restore trust in the crypto-economic space by providing real value for both blockchain developers and end users. We confidently predict that the next great leap forward in blockchain technology will come from improving platform interoperability.
That’s why we created the program to provide incentives and tools so developers can build applications that interact with one another in a meaningful way.
Today, crypto economic ecosystem’s needs are not met by the existing solutions. After the Pre-ICO we realized that a solution is needed for Not for profit and Non-Governmental Organizations. For example, LPI DAO ensures trust between partners in a partnership while also supporting the building on infrastructure.
For More Details Information:
Website: https://lpi.finance/
Medium: https://lpi-dao.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LpiDao
Telegram Official: https://t.me/LpiDaoOfficial
Telegram news: https://t.me/LpiDaoNews
BTT username : Manti Tarak
BTT Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3398709
Bep-20 address : 0xa00Ac64ce301B4E584Fe78B0864EE6575a4b2b68