Socialogue’s NFT Holders Get Their Vote In Socialogue’s Future

Manti Tarak
3 min readFeb 1, 2022


Socialogue’s future is in your hands. As an NFT holder, your votes are weighted by the amount of ONG you have earned. For example, someone with 1 billion ONG votes 10x more than someone with only 1 million ONG.

Everyone has equal opportunity to voice their opinions and make a difference on the Socialogue platform.

You are a key founding member of the Socialogue DAO! Your representative NFT is granted voting rights. You decide with your peers how to split the block rewards and infrastructures costs among all the DAO blocks.

Share in the profits, stay updated on upcoming developments via Socialogue monthly reports and participate in major platform decisions.

Every Socialogue game purchase puts you in control of a piece of the DAC. You become an active participant and owner of the Socialogue game platform, together with other NFT holders.

Socialogue Collective is the first fully decentralized social network that enables users to participate in the future of the platform directly. Socialogue Collective’s key innovation is giving users the right to vote on new network protocols and business processes.

Socialogue is launching the next-generation NFT platform with a unique business model: The Socialogue DAO will soon be the world’s first decentralized, autonomous organization run by decentralized autonomous organizations of NFT holders -the token holders.

Be a part of Socialogue’s future with an NFT holder. When the platform goes live, holders will get their vote in important company decisions, including hiring, firing and the long term direction of the company.

This NFT is being sold at a 15% discount to investors who want to take advantage of this opportunity.

With the Socialogue Decentralized Platform, every NFT token holder becomes a member of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Senate. DAO Senate members participate in major platform decisions and have full access to the list of assets in the DAO’s digital portfolio.

Your NFTs vote on Socialogue platform features. Socialogue’s Future can’t be tampered with without the holder community’s majority approval.

Socialogue’s NFT holder voting system means your opinions will not only help determine which assets are listed, but also how assets are voted on and how funds are allocated.

When you hold Socialogue tokens, you become a member of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization — a global decentralized autonomous organization with one-token-one-vote.

You’re invited to join the NFT holders of Socialogue in designing an open, decentralized social platform. The NFT holders of Socialogue will hold their collective vote at a level that all members can influence, but the platform itself will be fully decentralized and free of corporate control.

From the start, Socialogue has been at the forefront of blockchain technology. Now, Socialogue taking it one step further by allowing every token holder to vote in decisions that affect the entire Socialogue community.

Each of Socialogue’s NFT holders becomes a member of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Senate. This creates an organization where every member has a chance to vote on major platform decisions. Socialogue’s token holders can create those decisions, too.

Socialogue’s NFT holders earn cryptocurrency rewards by voting in platform governance on the DAO Senate. The more NFT they hold, the bigger their vote. This means that they not only have access to exclusive clubhouse shows but actually control them.

For More Information:


Author Info:
BTT username: Manti Tarak
BTT Profile Link:;u=3398709
Bep-20 address: 0xa00Ac64ce301B4E584Fe78B0864EE6575a4b2b68



Manti Tarak
Manti Tarak

Written by Manti Tarak

Cryptocurrency, Altcoins Lover, and Bounty Hunter

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